Now: Centered by a commercial area near the intersection of Diamond and Bosworth Streets, Glen Park has about one of each thing that a neighborhood might ask for. From a walking standpoint, it is slightly more isolated than some of the central neighborhoods - hills and blocks of residences separate it from Noe Valley to the north and Bernal Heights to the east. Both Muni and BART pass directly through, bridging the gap. Glen Canyon Park is a 70-acre city park featuring a deep natural canyon with walking paths leading up into Diamond Heights, and recreational facilities at its southern entrance.
Then: Most of the streets and homes along the Glen Park hillsides began to be built around the 1890s, when the railroad connected the relatively isolated area with the Downtown district.
How To Get There: The J-Church Muni line goes to Glen Park, but so does BART, and it's the faster option if you're coming from another BART stop. From Noe Valley, Glen Park is just on the other side of Diamond Heights, via Diamond Street. The 26 Muni bus line also comes through on Chenery Street from Valencia Street in the Mission.
Buddie's Market in Glen Park
Critter Fritters, pet supplies
Sangha - Japanese, Asian Fusion on Chenery Street in Glen Park
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